The Let's Play Archive

13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim

by Arist

Part 80: Yuki Takamiya 6

Chapter 80: Yuki Takamiya 6

Music: LONER (Azusa Chiba)

What if she’s alone? Shivering, scared, in that ruined city… I won’t give up on her.

I’ve been looking for you.

Aiba, we come to the same spot every day.

Consider Ruined Future

(A city in ruins… And this one’s next. Is that what this place is gonna look like? I can’t even imagine…)

Consider Old School Building

(That guy I met inside the old school building. He’s on the run from those black suits. Name’s Sekigahara. He’ll be hiding out in one of the old classrooms for a while. Him and Miura. If I want to rescue Nat-chan… I’m gonna need their help.)

Consider The Box

(So the box I thought was a projector… Was actually a talking machine named Miura. And the stuff Nat-chan wrote in her notebook… She must have been talking about that. So it wasn’t just made up… I’m sorry for doubting you, Nat-chan.)

Consider Natsuno Minami

(We finally found out where Nat-chan is. She’s been left in the ruined future city. I may not be able to get to her yet… But I will save her.)

Let’s go.

Well, let’s get to investigating. Wait… investigating what? We know where Natsuno is now.


Let’s hassle Megumi for some clues again!

Really the only reason to do this is to be a piece of shit and cause Megumi to miss Juro’s departure again, but it’s very funny so I do it once more.


We make another quick stop at the cafeteria.

Nothing for me, thank you.

Yeah, of course you’re not thirsty. What’s the matter? Food and drink’ll gum up your gears?

Music: Feeling At Ease (Rikako Watanabe)


Oh goddammit this again

No thanks. I mean, really. How many times is it gonna take… for it to stick in that floppy-haired head of yours?
How about… Until you go on a date with me?

See ya.

Music: LONER (Azusa Chiba)

Oh, uh… Yeah.

I haven’t heard from you in some time. Where have you been? You need to check back in with me. Understood?

Consider Small Note

(Morimura gave this note to me. …… Shit… She wants me to do something. And the first step is talking to Aiba.)

Come with me?

Yet another scene with lots of cars driving in the foreground, great.

Oh… Right.

Oh? What is it?

Use Erika Aiba on Erika Aiba

Went to pay someone a visit.

Music: Cognitive Dissonance (Rikako Watanabe)

The real Aiba has been sick. Confined to her hospital bed. And I overheard you talking to the school nurse, Morimura. She called you Tamao. Is Tamao your real name?

You’re right. My name is Tamao Kurabe. I harbored no malicious intent. Plus, a twist like this in the third act… It makes for a better detective story, don’t you think?


Use Tomi Kisaragi on Erika Aiba

We’re still calling her Aiba for some reason.

Yes… But why bring that up now?
There were two Tomi Kisaragis witnessed that day. And I recently found the second one.

Oh, Sekigahara.

Music: Track Down (Mitsuhiro Kaneda)

W-What are you doing?

It’s a machine made to look like her. An android.

The android briefly sputters to life, but turns off just as quickly.

Data’s been corrupted, too. But before it was destroyed… The inside seems to have been replaced. Meaning he got away looking like someone else.

Juro Izumi. He’s a mass murderer. He may be without a body… But I know he’s plotting something.


He must have hidden it himself.
This place is behind the north school building. The girls’ bathroom… The other Tomi Kisaragi…

Weird, right? And it’s been bugging me all this time. Who this guy could have jumped into next… Know what I mean?

A robot destroyed the bathroom? Hmm. You think anyone will believe that?

Use Shikishima Industries on Erika Aiba

I just learned about them myself, actually. Had to sneak into the Shikishima facility to do it, but… They said someone close to me altered me somehow. Several times, in fact.
What’s the matter? Cat got your tongue? Because the only person who always seems to be around me…

I have no idea what you’re talking about.

You’re not even Tamao Kurabe. You are a fugitive. One that used a robot who looked like Kisaragi to escape. You are housing the consciousness of a mass murderer. A man by the name of Juro Izumi.

*giggle* You think I’m a man? Are you okay?

Music: Metal Demon (Mitsuhiro Kaneda)

I suppose this time… I’ll have to erase quite a bit more.
Like hell you will. Look behind you.

I never thought I’d see you dressing up as a schoolgirl. You’re insane, Juro.
At least I’m more sane than you. Trying to save your own ass by derailing the interstellar project.
I’m doing this for you *and* me. WE can make it out alive.

It’s not a sacrifice. They’ll be able to lead happier lives this way.
Even if it means they’re denied their future, without ever knowing why?
I have shot you here on Sumire Bridge once before. I have no hesitation as I do so again.

Stay back. It’s not dead yet.

Just what the hell were you doing to me!?
Getting you ready… Ready for the game that will soon begin.

I don’t have time to deal with nuisances like you.


Morimura fires the phaser twice…

But Aiba—Izumi—clambers over the railing and falls.

Not even a body made of metal could survive unscathed.

We need to surround the perimeter.
Yes, ma’am.

We’ll look around where he fell.

Well, that was a trip. Not really an unexpected one at this point, but still, a trip.

Yuki is locked behind a Natsuno event now.

Juro, however, can now be unlocked.

And just to keep track of this, we have 3 of our protagonists at above 80% completion now. We need five more to unlock Hijiyama and nine more to unlock Gouto. We’re not actually that far away from these goals, though. We’re only one event away from 80% for pretty much everyone (except Hijiyama and Gouto, of course).